screamO sucks, OLTH dOn'T
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OLTH - every day is sOmeOne's speciaL day LabeL: Zegema BeacH RecOrds |
OLTH are making a spLasH OnTO THe scene rigHT nOw. SeemingLy cOming OuT Of nOwHere, THeir debuT album "every day is sOmeOne's speciaL day" was reLeased by Zegema BeacH RecOrds and aLready goT sOme rave reviews, Heck, Dave NOrman of ZBR even deemed iT THe screamO-recOrd Of tHe year. On TOp Of THaT, OLTH Have THe wHOLe package Of a fuTure aLL Time favOuriTe. JusT LOOk aT THe beauTifuL, memOrabLe arTwork! EveryTHing seems sO weLL THOughT-THrOugh Or as my buddy ELias puT iT in His wriTe-up, "OLTH are new buT tHey dOn'T sOund new".
THey aLsO Have sOmeTHing gOing wiTH THeir InsTa-accOunT, fuLL Of meme-isH, gOOfy buLLsHiT. THeir music THen is everyTHing buT gOOfy buLLsHiT. IT's 20 minuTes Of infecTiOus screamO/emOvioLence and dOesn'T disappOinT THe sLigHTesT, despiTe THe premaTure praise. WHaT I prObabLy Like besT abOut THis recOrd is OLTH's way Of wriTing sOngs. THey geT straigHT TO The pOinT wiTH mOstLy 2-minuTe-LOng Tracks, and They neiTHer feeL rusHed nOr sTreTcHed. THe sOngs Have THe perfecT LengTH, can sTand fOr THemseLves and are fuLL Of epic mOmenTs buT wiTHOuT Tiring buiLd-ups Or repeTiTive prOgressions. I TOO LOve the fLOw Of THe recOrd as a wHOLe. It seems Like iT was wriTTen as One big THing and THaT definiTeLy wOrks wOnders in THe LOng HauL. Take "screamO sucks" as a sHining exampLe. THis Track was reLeased in advance Of THe recOrd, aLOngside a videO. IT was a sTrange cHOice fOr a "singLe" cause THe ambienT parT Takes HaLf of tHe duraTiOn and iT's nOt as effecTive separaTed frOm THe recOrd. THOugH in THe cOurse Of tHe aLbum iT sHines, paving THe way for "the LasT sOng".
"every day is someOne's speciaL day" is basicaLLy everyTHing yOu LOve abOuT screamO. FrOm THe spazzed OuT ending Of "OH my gOd i HaTe THis feeLing, my HearT wOn..." TO THe OH-sO-awesOme meLOdic arc Of "sOmbOdy TeLL me, am i aLOne" TO THe chuggy breakdOwn Of "memOries Last fOrever, sO dO scars" TO THe POsT-ROck-vibe Of "<_>" TO The fuck-THe-sHiT-up-mentaLiTy Of "LOOking THrOugH the HOLe in my Head" TO THe emO-isH beginning Of "sOng fOr jOrdan" and iTs caTcHy melOdy caTcHing up sOOn afTer TO Tricky rhyTHms and eLecTryfying, higH-piTcHed screams spread aLL Over The recOrd. If yOu knOw screamO, yOu know OLTH.
and THaT's THe OnLy THing you cOuld "criTicise", wHen in niTpicking-mOde. OLTH dOn'T reinvenT THe wHeeL of screamO and emOviOLence and feeL famiLiar THrOugHOuT. WiTH THaT being said, THe qualiTy LeveL is criminaLLy HigH fOr a debuT effOrT and yeaH, in THe end iT's jusT THaT... a debuT. If They'LL sTick TOgeTHer THey'LL be up To Huge THings. FOr nOw, I'LL agree witH Dave abOuT besT screamO recOrd Of THe year sO far.
SOngs yOu sHOuLd cHeck Out nO-maTTer-wHaT: "sOmbOdy TeLL me, am i aLOne" & "LOOking THrOughH the HOLe in my Head".
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