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The Last of the Month (4/24)

Posting 5 reviews in April, I get that feeling that this is my maximum right now... though their came out way more releases, that would've deserved a few words. Here's where "The Last of the Month" comes into play! .22LR - s/t (EP) I can vaguely remember the time of NOISY SINS OF THE INSECT and some other Screamo-bands from Turkey whose name I can't recall. I don't know how much of a scene there is now, but this project spans between Atlanta, Georgia and the turkish metropole Istanbul and their record came out on Tomb Tree as well as on Mevzu Records. You'll get 7 tracks of highly melodic, but mostly upbeat Screamo. Feels kinda nostalgic to me. ( Stream ) BSD-to-the-fucking-J Label... They've probably been my favorite label of 2023 an now they released the most awesome string of records in April. The last six records they put out are all worth checking out! Besides a re-release of YOUR ARMS ARE MY COCOON's legendary "selftitled", you'

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The Last of the Month (3/24)

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