
Showing posts with the label mylestones

Witty Unpredictable Talent and Natural Game

The classics never go out of style, or do they?

Your cat has a terrible name


The artwork, the opener and the production - does that make up for a "classic"?

Here come the Sirens

Still shakin', and that's odd

The "blue ex" turns 20

For the true and passionate Lovers of Music: 20 years of "That within Blood ill-tempered"

AFI's "Sing the Sorrow" turns 20

Cursive's "The Ugly Organ" turns 20

Since by Man's "We sing the Body electric" turns 20

Shai Hulud's "Hearts once nourished with Hope and Compassion" turns 25

Queens of the Stone Age's "Songs for the Deaf" turns 20

Sparta's "Wiretap Scars" turns 20

Among Giants' "Truth Hurts" turns 10

Mosey Jones' "Swell" turns 10

mewithoutYou's "[A-->B] Life" turns 20

Standstill's "Memories Collector" turns 20

Depeche Mode's "Ultra" turns 25